
The 14th Guangzhou International Grain and Oil Machinery and Packaging Equipment Exhibition 2025

12-14 June 2025

China Import and Export Fair Complex

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International Contest on Rice Taste Evaluation

Time: 2020-12-30

In order to promote the integration of China"s rice industry with the world, to build a more international, more diverse, more open and fairer exhibition and communication platform for the entire industry. The 2020 International Contest on Rice Taste Evaluation held at the exhibition site. This is the first time that the conference will be held in China. The conference also brought together authoritative experts in various fields of the rice industry and became an important stage for participants to exchange and learn. The International Rice Tasting Conference is known as the “Oscar” of rice in the world. It uses advanced technology to digitally appraise the taste and taste of rice, and then the taste appraisal by expert judges is the world"s advanced rice taste rule.

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